* • [2019-09-17 Tue] Blender 2.8 refcard
:ID:       ac8e9e175c1aff5769150f1bb29e46ba


#+attr_html: :class dark-mode

It was made after the ones I consulted so far
(Emacs, Org-mode and PureData), and I did pick a
look at Musa Al-hassy's cheatsheets.

Yet, I added my extra usual specfication: except
for external files like images or articles,
everything stands in one unique org file. The
header/LaTeX configuration can be exported when it
is updated, otherwise it's weaved and tangled once
from the org source, and then included as
header.tex.  before the LaTeX process.

Contact me or open an issue or a PR on github
if you would like to improve this.




Down below is the HTML view of the refcard,
here for web indexing, but you should rather
take a look at the org source.
#+include: ~/doc/blender/Blender2.8-cheatsheet/Blender2.8-cheatsheet.org