* • [2019-02-27 Wed] Init.org :emacs:org:elisp:
:ID: 91b7919a14231a5718d7409b5810ac4b
#+attr_html: :class escape-left
This is my Emacs configuration, organized in an
init.org file, with conditional section
I'm working daily on emacs for 7 years now and
this what I have now. There were many improvements
when moving to Emacs 28. If you're still on 26 or
27, don't worry, it's only about a few changes in
early-init.el and in the package manager to keep
it compatible.
Here, only sections in a DONE state will be evaluated.
However the HTML export of ox-webblog doesn't
export TODO states (they're simply not visible) so
you should refer to the original file to
understand which sections are actually evaluated.
This configuration isn't tangled: the init.el is
simply in charge of jumping to the legit source
blocks and evaluate them.
It's structured like so:
#+begin_src org
,#+SEQ_TODO: ⵝ ? | ✓
,* init.org
✓ ← declared as a done state in the #+TODO directive
,** ✓ section 1
ALL elisp blocks in this section are evaluated
even those falling under a subsection with any todo states
,*** ⵝ section 1
will also be evaluated, this until init.org/depth is reached
,** ⵝ section 2
nothing evaluated
,** section 3
nothing evaluated
That file isn't in the org export down
below neither (it's included from an other
#+include: ~/.emacs.d/init.org