* • [2017-05-26 Fri] Org mode to JSX :react:org:
:ID: d3f37a4f7627836c61148dd192717373
How to quickly turn an org-mode tree to JSX ?
org-mode is made of lisp and lisp can easily be turned
to json. The following does so, removing cycles, even
if we could keep them with objects{} and references.
The other one below turns that JSON to a react JSX
tree. So technically, it's not turning seamlessly
org-mode to JSX and the JSON file has to be provided
to the JS interperter of the browser.
Converting an elisp org structure to JSON
brings a lot of insight about org itself.
: org-to-json
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'json)
(defun org-export-json-buffer ()
(let* ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer 'object nil)))
(org-element-map tree (append org-element-all-elements
org-element-all-objects '(plain-text))
(lambda (x)
(if (org-element-property :parent x)
(org-element-put-property x :parent "none"))
(if (org-element-property :structure x)
(org-element-put-property x :structure "none")))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ox-json*")
(insert (json-encode tree))
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ox-json*"))))
(defun org-to-json (query)
"Export headings that match QUERY to json."
(lambda ()
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "-t-")
(with-current-buffer "-t-" (org-export-json-buffer))
(kill-buffer "-t-"))
(defun org-export-published-to-json ()
(lambda ()
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "-t-")
(with-current-buffer "-t-" (org-export-json-buffer))
(kill-buffer "-t-"))
: json2vdom
#+begin_src js
,* org→json→preact
,* author: 𝙋𝙝𝙞𝙡 𝙀𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡 @ 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚ㆍ𝙛𝙧 (c) 2016
,* json2vdom.js
,* date:<26/05/17>
import {h} from 'preact';
import {CLS} from './orgnodes'
export const rendervnode =(name, attributes, ...children)=> h(
CLS[name] || 'div',
...{class: name},
(children.length && children[0]) ? renderList(children) : null
export const renderList =(ar)=> ar && ar.map(e => {
if (typeof e === 'string') {
return e
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
return rendervnode(...e)
here is an alternative to write directly the vdom to the window.document
: preact-org.json
#+begin_src js
,* preact-org-json
,* @author Phil ESTIVAL
,* Date:<05/04/17$ 20:45$>
,* license : GPL
,* org-json-nodes.js
,* first letters of the orgjson's element are not capital
,* that's why here some classes names aren't too.
,* Those can't be instanciated from inside code (react convention)
,* but can be associated in the export below
,* or subclassed if needed
,* todo : fix the [null] element in empty links
import {Component} from 'preact'
import {renderList} from 'json2vdom.js'
class keyword extends Component {
render =()=>
<div class="keyword">
<div class={this.props.kw}>{this.props.kw}</div>
<div class={this.props.kw}>{this.props.value}</div>
class Priority extends Component {
render =()=> <div class="priority">{ String.fromCharCode(this.props.priority) } </div>
class headline extends Component {
toggle() {
constructor() {
render({children},{},{}) {
this.id = this.props.title && this.props.title.length>1 && this.props.title[1] || this.props.title; this.title = renderList(this.props.title);
this.priority = this.props.priority && <Priority priority={this.props.priority}/>;
return (
<div class="headline">
<h2 class={"L"+this.props.level}
{this.priority} {this.title} {!this.state.open && '...' }
{this.state.open && children }
class timestamp extends Component {
render =()=>
<div class={this.props.class}>
{ this.props['year-start']}-{this.props['month-start']}-{this.props['day-start']}
class Timestamp extends Component {
render =()=>
<div class={this.props.class}>
{ this.props['year-start']}-{this.props['month-start']}-{this.props['day-start']}
class planning extends Component {
constructor() {
let closed = this.props['closed'],
scheduled = this.props['scheduled'],
deadline = this.props['deadline'];
this.tag =
{ closed ? <div> Closed <Timestamp {...closed[1] }/></div> : '' }
{ scheduled ? <div> Scheduled <Timestamp {...scheduled[1]}/></div> : '' }
{ deadline ? <div> deadline <Timestamp {...deadline[1] }/></div> : '' }
render =()=> <div {...this.props}>{ this.tag}</div>
class item extends Component {
render =()=> <li {...this.props}>{this.props.children}</li>
const imageExtensionsRgx = new RegExp("(" + [
"png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "svg", "bmp", "tiff",
"tif", "xbm", "xpm", "pbm", "pgm", "ppm", "svg"
].join("|") + ")$", "i");
const ImgExt = [
"png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "svg", "bmp", "tiff",
"tif", "xbm", "xpm", "pbm", "pgm", "ppm", "svg",
const MovieExt = ["webm"];
const AudioExt = [ "mp3", "ogg"];
const fileExt = ImgExt.concat(MovieExt.concat(AudioExt));
const FileExtRgx = new RegExp("(" + fileExt.join("|") + ")$", "i");
class link extends Component {
constructor() {
let type, link;
this.rawlink = this.props['raw-link'];
this.link = this.linkMapping(this.props['type']);
if (this.link.startsWith('#')) {
this.anchortag = ()=>{
let ext = FileExtRgx.exec(this.link);
let ch = this.props.children;
if ( ext ) {
if ( ImgExt.includes(ext[0]) ) {
this.tag = <img src={this.link}/>
else if ( MovieExt.includes(ext[0]) ) {
this.tag = <Movie src={this.link}/>
else if ( AudioExt.includes(ext[0]) ) {
this.tag = <Audio src={this.link}/>
else {
let ch = this.props.children;
let innerlink = null;
if (ch && ch.length && ch[0] !== null) {
console.log(ch, typeof(ch[0]));
if((ch.length === 1) && ( typeof ch[0] === "string")) {
let ext = FileExtRgx.exec(ch[0]);
if ( ext ) {
if ( ImgExt.includes(ext[0]) ) {
innerlink = <img src={ch[0]}/>
innerlink = renderList(ch);
else innerlink = this.rawlink;
this.tag = <a href={this.link}>{ innerlink} </a>
linkMapping(type) {
let rawlink = this.rawlink;
switch (this.props['type']) {
case 'http':
case 'https':
case 'file':
return rawlink;
case 'custom-id':
return rawlink;
case 'fuzzy':
return '/section/' + rawlink.replace(' ','%20');
console.log('unknown type');
return rawlink
render =()=> this.tag
class target {
render =()=> <div id={this.props.value}/>
class Div extends Component{
postblanks() {
{Array(this.props['post-blank']).fill().map((_,i) => <br/>)}
class paragraph extends Div {
constructor() {
this.class = "paragraph "+ (this.props.attr_align?this.props.attr_align:'')
let name = this.props['name'];
if(name) {
this.id = name.startsWith('#') ? name.slice(1) : name
render() {
let name = this.props['name'];
return <div class={this.class}
id={this.id = name && (name.startsWith('#') ? name.slice(1) : name)}>
class SrcBlock extends Component {
static lang = {
python : 'py'
render =()=>
<div class="src-block">
<pre class="prettyprint">{this.props.value}</pre>
class table extends Div {
render =()=>
class TableRow extends Div {
render =()=>
<tr {...this.props}>
class TableCell extends Div {
render =()=>
import styles from './styles';
export const CLS = {
...{headline, keyword, timestamp, link, target,item, paragraph, planning,
'src-block':SrcBlock, table, 'table-row':TableRow, 'table-cell':TableCell