
Blender 2.8 refcard

[2019-09-17 Tue]




It was made after the ones I consulted so far (Emacs, Org-mode and PureData), and I did pick a look at Musa Al-hassy's cheatsheets.

Yet, I added my extra usual specfication: except for external files like images or articles, everything stands in one unique org file. The header/LaTeX configuration can be exported when it is updated, otherwise it's weaved and tangled once from the org source, and then included as header.tex. before the LaTeX process.

Contact me or open an issue or a PR on github if you would like to improve this.


Down below is the HTML view of the refcard, here for web indexing, but you should rather take a look at the org source.


  • contact cgboost §
  • find out why TODO sections gets included
  • [2021-04-22 Thu 21:26] the results of a call is evaluated when exporting : hence the t that appears at the begining of the document if the call above is left active. Blender 2.8 Reference Card still compiles fine today :)
  • [2021-04-22 Thu 22:09] apparently, I'm broking the entire exporter by modyfingh the org-export before-hook CAUTION !

\vskip-2em\Large Blender 2.8
Reference Card

\includegraphics[scale=2,viewport=-10 0 21 2]{blender-symbolic.pdf}

\footnotesize In agreement with Emacs' Manual conventions, the modifiers keys Ctrl, Meta (or Alt), and Shift, are denoted as C-, M- and S- , the spacebar as SPC, the right numeric keypads (or numpads) keys are enclosed by [ ].

Left, right and middle mouse button are depicted as \LMB \RMB \MMB, while \MMBdrag means pressing middle button and dragging. Like in Blender 2.79, the right mouse button prevales in the following configuration.

Toggle command are prefixed by \normalsize • \footnotesize

To search in the keymap an item by its key, go to the preferences (C-M-u), change the filter to Key Binding and provide some characters of the key combination.

\small \vskip -0.5ex \normalsize


rotate \MMBdrag
pan S-\MMBdrag
zoom Mousewheel or C-\MMBdrag
select \LMB or \RMB


animation playback SPC
search F3/SPC
delete x (confirm d)
  or DEL
join objects C-j
undo/redo C-z / S-C-z
rename object F2
mirror on x/y/z axis C-m x/y/z


views pie menu ~
center selected [.]
• maximize area C-SPC
• full screen area C-M-SPC
• X-ray view M-z
• wireframe view S-z
shading pie menu z
relative view  
\quad axis switching M-\MMBdrag

View change

front [1] back C-[1]
right [3] left C-[3]
top [7] bottom C-[7]


\vskip -2pt

move (grab) / rotate / scale g/r/s

\vskip -4pt

along global axis g/r/s x/y/z
along local axis g/r/s xx/yy/zz

\vskip -4pt

position/scale/rotation M-g/r/s

\vskip -4pt

rotate/move around pivot S-w

\vskip -4pt

• snapping S-TAB
free rotate r r
duplicate / linked S-d / M-d
apply transform C-a
bend angle S-w


select / deselect all a / M-a
invert selection C-i
circle c
grouped S-g
linked S-l


edit/object mode TAB
all modes (pie menu) C-TAB
toolbar S-SPC
quick favorites q
add menu S-a
cursor pie menu S-s
tool shelf • t
sidebar • n
context Menu w
item context menu \RMB
orientation pie menu ,
pivot pie menu .
snapping pie menu S-s


hide h
unhide all M-h
hide unselected S-h
local view /

S-'>S-'> Editors \hskip 4.5em S-

file browser F1
movie clip editor F2
shader editor F3
texture node editor F3
python console F4
3d viewport F5
graph editor/drivers F6
properties F7
video sequencer F8
outliner F9
text editor F11
image/UV editor F10
dope sheet/timeline F12


fold/unfold +/-
move m
create c
link to collection S-m


set parent C-p
clear parent M-p
make links C-l


camera view [0]
align camera to view C-M-[0]
set active object as camera C-[0]


context menu F4
save C-s
save as C-S-s
new file C-n
quit blender C-q


render image F12
render animation C-F12
play rendered animation C-F11
set render region C-b
reset render region C-M-b

Edit mode


(•) vertex/edge/face (S-) 1 2 3
select linked C-l
select linked under cursor l
grow/shrink selection C-[+]/[-]
select edge loop M-\RMB
select edge ring C-M-\RMB
slide edge selection g g
select mirror C-S-m


flip normals C-f
extrude e
bevel C-b
loopcut C-r
knife cut k
inset face i
separate p
unwrap u
fill face f
shrink/fatten a s
rip fill M-v
shear S-C-M-s
to sphere S-M-s
split y
rip v
triangulate C-t
merge selected M-m
recalculate normals s n

Proportional editing

edit / connected o / M-o

Vertex Groups

assign to / remove from C-g / C-M-g



stroke method menu e
angle control r
brush size f
brush strength S-f
brush angle C-f


mask m
clear mask M-m
invert mask C-i
box mask b


grab g smooth s or S-D-
box hide h draw x
inflate i clay c
snake hook k crease S-c
layer l flatten S-t
pinch p    
clay strips 1
blob 2
fill 3
scrape 4
thumb 5
nudge 6
rotate 7
simplify 8

Materials & postproduction

Shader editor and compositing

group C-g
ungroup C-a g
edit group • TAB
join in new frame C-j
cut links S-SPC, 6
delete with reconnect C-x


Background image

move M-\MMB
zoom out v
zoom in M-v

Image editor

new/open/save M-n/o/s
save as S-s

UV editor

mark seam C-e
select split y
grow/shrink selection C-[+]/[-]
stitch v
pin p
unpin M-p

Paint (image editor)

sample color s
brush size f
brush strength S-f
brush colors flip x


insert keyframe i
delete keyframes M-i

Video sequencer

next previous strip Page/
set start/end frame C-home/end
cut strips k
mute strips h
unmute strips M-h
meta-strip • TAB
make meta-strip C-g
unmeta-strip C
view frame [0]
view selected [.]
snap strips to frame S-s
trim strips S

Graph editor

add f-curve modifier S-C-m
hide channels h
unhide channels M-h
smooth keys M-o


add driver C-d
remove driver C-M-d

Nonlinear animation

add action strip S-a
add action strip S-a
add transition S-t
add sound clip S-k
remove meta-strips C-a g
split strips y
• muting h
swap strips M-f
move strips up/down Page/

Timeline/dopesheet/graph editor

play/stop animation SPC
play/stop animation reverse C-s SPC
set preview range p \LMBdrag
clear preview range a p
next/previous frame /
jump to first/last frame S/
frames/seconds • C-t
mirror keyframes C-m
sample keyframes S-a o
select more/less C-+/-
select linked l
jump to keyframes C-g
set keyframe handle type v
set keyframe interpolation t
set keyframe easing type* C-e
add time marker m
rename marker C-m
find channels C-f
view selected N.

Grease pencil

Menu S-SPC
brush size f
brush strength S-f

Draw Mode

enable parallel guides L
enable circular guides C
box erase b

Sculpt mode

select box b

Edit mode

move / rotate / scale g/r/s
extrude e
radius M-s
bend s w
shear S-C-M-s



new collection c
delete collection x
move to collection m
link to collection s m
set exclude e
clear exclude a e

File browser

next/previous M-/
parent file M-
create new directory i
add bookmark C-b

\vfill \onehalfspacing \sffamily \scriptsize Copyright © 2019 Philippe ESTIVAL \sffamily phil.estival@free.fr \rmfamily
Licensed under the \sffamily GFDL 1.3 License. You're free to copy, modify or redistribute this document.
