


2021-07-11 Sun Blogging with org

Here are the explanations and the source code of the blogging engine developed for this website (7d.nz). It's build with Emacs and org-mode, creates static HTML pages and got inspired by ox-hugo.

While you reader can start reading it here, you'll probably be more at ease under Emacs especially when dwelling into the details of the code. Lucky for you, every pages of this website provides it's source in org, in the footer.

Update: [2024-06-02 dim.] Org 9.7.2 One way to understand how it works could be…

2020-04-24 Fri Inserting characters pairs

An easy way to emphasize or enclose words or region with pairs matching : “”, «», [], and parentheses of course. Unbreakable spaces are also inserted around where the typographical convention demands it.

2019-02-27 Wed Init.org

This is my Emacs configuration, organized in an init.org file, with conditional section evaluations.